Vaclav (Vashek) Petras
BS & MS in Geoinformatics, Czech Technical University in Prague
PhD in Geospatial Analytics, NC State
Postdoctoral Researcher at NC State
GRASS GIS Development Team Member
GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation Charter Member
The Beginning of GRASS GIS
1980-1982: Ideas, predecessors and prototypes
1983: First reference manual published
1985: Geographic Resources Analysis
Support System 1.0 released
The 80s of GRASS GIS
William Shatner introducing GRASS in a historical promotional video
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GRASS GIS Timeline (cont.)
90s a general purpose GIS from a land management system
1999 international team of developers + GNU GPL
2008 OSGeo Project
2018 35 years of GRASS GIS development
2019 latest release Mar 24, 2019 (7.6.1)
check out last change
(probably just few hours ago)
Community Shares Improvements
GRASS GIS community provides software to the public
Shares its source code
Includes latest additions
Scientific Foundation
references to papers associated with modules
references to related scientific papers
Links to source code
Documentation now links to relevant parts of the source code.
by Luca Delucchi
Return of Investment
Learn once, use forever.
Emphasis on backwards compatibility
No increasing license fees over time
Employer-independent and contractor-independent
Old commands, often work in new versions with minimal changes.
No increase in license fees over time.
Return of Investment
Code from 2002 running in 2019?
version 5.0 code works as is in 7.6:
r.mapcalc depr.bin="if((elev - fill)< 0., 1, 0)"
although there is a better way to write it:
r.mapcalc " depr_ bin = if((elev - fill) < 0., 1, 0)"
GRASS covers many fields.
All matured tools available right away
Download of experimental tools possible
Hydrology, remote sensing, lidar, network analysis, …
Functionality is divided into modules (over 500)
raster processing
r.mapcalc: raster map algebra
vector processing interpolation from points
general management
g.remove: removes maps
display and rendering
d.rast: display raster map
There is more: i., t., r3., m., ps.
Vector Network Analysis
shortest path, traveling salesman, ...
centrality measures, connected components, ...
turn cost in network nodes
Cost Surface Calculations
Travel cost as travel time
Here applied in total viewshed computation by Anna Petrasova
r.geomorphon - landform detection
by Jarek Jasiewicz and Tomek Stepinski
Solar Radiation
r.sun - new parallelized version
by Stanislav Zubal and Michal Lacko
Vector Topology Cleaning
introduced in 2002
continuous improvements
(actual data processed and displayed in GRASS GIS)
Temporal Framework
Manage and analyze spatio-temporal datasets (time series)
by Sören Gebbert and Thomas Leppelt
(visualization tools by Anna Petrasova and Luca Delucchi)
Animation Tool
Visualize spatio-temporal datasets and other series
by Anna Petrasova
Temporal Algebra
D = if(start_date(A) < "2005-01-01", A + B)
Sum maps from A with maps with equal time stamps from B which are temporally before Jan 1, 2005
by Thomas Leppelt and Soeren Gebbert
Computational Features & Improvements
Long established 64bit (since 2016 also on Microsoft Windows)
Large file support even on 32bit MS Windows
Many vector algorithms faster in version 7
Faster and higher compression ZSTD for rasters
Virtual raster mosaics ( r.buildvrt )
Segment library all-in-memory mode (faster modules, easier module development)
Non-directional alternative to shaded relief
by Anna Petrasova
i.superpixels.slic - image segmentation using SLIC superpixels
by Rashad Kanavath and Markus Metz
Tools for Sentinel Data
download, import, preprocessing, cloud detection, and masking of Sentinel 2 data
by Roberta Fagandini, Martin Landa, Moritz Lennert, and Roberto Marzocchi
Point clouds with PDAL - binning of points using PDAL for LAS reading
by Anika Bettge and Vaclav Petras
Point cloud transects
v.profile.points - transects of point clouds
by Vaclav Petras
Hydrologic and hydraulic model of surface water flow
by Laurent Courty
r.pops.spread - Pest or Pathogen Spread simulation
by NC State Center for Geospatial Analytics
r.futures - set of modules for urban growth modeling
by NC State Center for Geospatial Analytics
Command Line
The baseline interface for efficiency and reproducibility
Graphical User Interface
The interface for beginners and desktop
Simple Python Editor
Create Python scripts and modules with ease
by Vaclav Petras
3D View
visualization and analytical visualization
reviewing UAV fligh path
Data catalog
g.gui.datacatalog - browse, manage, and reproject raster and vector maps
by Tereza Fiedlerova and Anna Petrasova
Command line prevails: 1987
Command line prevails: 2019
HPC & Cloud
NC State University (henry2)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Roger)
OpenEO (GRASS GIS backend)
Batch processing
grass7 /grassdata/nc_spm/work1 --exec \
r.viewshed input=elevation output=viewshed \
by Vaclav Petras
Duality between GUI and commands
Command line (Bash):
Examples in the documentation and class instructions are usually
provided as commands which can be used to fill in the GUI, write Python
code, or run them directly.
3rd Party Interfaces
QGIS Processing Plugin
R rgrass7 package
3rd Party Interfaces
Used in the OpenEO GRASS GIS driver
3rd Party Interfaces
Tangible Landscape
tangible user interface to GRASS GIS and Blender
by NC State University, Center for Geospatial Analytics
Modules running:, r.contour, r.fill.dir, r.sim.water
C (usable in C++)
command line (Bash, cmd, …)
3rd party:
R (rgrass7 package)
Ruby (grassgis gem)
Java (JGrasstools library)
as backend:
QGIS Processing (Python and R APIs)
PyWPS, ZOO-Project (OGC WPS)
Actinia (REST)
gvSIG JGrasstools Spatial Toolbox under development
GRASS GIS in the FOSS Ecosystem
Geospatial processing, algorithms, and workflows
Inkscape, Gimp, ImageMagic, GMT, QGIS
Graphics and refined the cartography
PostgreSQL with PostGIS
Relational database (spatial and non-spatial data storage)
R, Octave, Python, Jupyter, LibreOffice
Statistics, non-spatial data analysis
OpenLayers, Leaflet, GeoExt, Django, Flask
Web interface
PyWPS, ZOO-Project, Actinia
Processing server
MapServer, GeoServer, QGIS Server
spatial data publishing server
locations and mapsets
data management
computational region
Spatial Database
Selecting Mapset
Selecting database, location, and mapset
Import, export, linking
Data need to be imported or linked (GDAL)
Vector and raster data can be linked
r.external, r.external.out
v.external, v.external.out
Export to various formats (or linking)
GRASS GIS native exchange format (v.pack, r.pack, v.unpack, …)
Computational Region
extent and resolution for raster computations
Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach
Tangible Modeling with Open Source GIS
GIS-based Analysis of Coastal Lidar Time-Series
Open Source Approaches to Spatial Data Handling