What's New

Vaclav (Vashek) Petras

NCSU GeoForAll Lab at the Center for Geospatial Analytics
North Carolina State University

Corey White, NCSU
Doug Newcomb, USFWS

NCGIS 2019 Winston-Salem

What's Old


  • All matured tools available right away
  • Download of experimental tools possible
  • Hydrology, remote sensing, lidar, network analysis, …

Return of investment

Learn once, use forever.

  • Emphasis on backwards compatibility
  • No increasing license fees over time
  • Employer-independent

Scientific foundation

  • references to papers associated with modules
  • references to related scientific papers

Community shares improvements

  • GRASS GIS community provides software to the public
  • Shares its source code
  • Includes latest additions

New in 7.0

Temporal Framework

Manage and analyze spatio-temporal datasets (time series)

by Sören Gebbert and Thomas Leppelt
(visualization tools by Anna Petrasova and Luca Delucchi)

Animation Tool

Visualize spatio-temporal datasets and other series

by Anna Petrasova

...and 10,000 other changes

In total, more than 10,000 changes have been implemented in 7.0 with respect to GRASS GIS 6.4.

New in 7.2

Simple Python Editor

Create Python scripts and modules with ease

by Vaclav Petras

Vector legend

d.legend.vect - automatic and customizable legends

by Adam Laza and GSoC mentors

3D raster flows and gradients

r3.flow - flow lines in a 3D raster
r3.gradient - gradients in a 3D raster

by Anna Petrasova

Simplified batch processing

grass72 /grassdata/nc_spm/work1 --exec \
    r.viewshed input=elevation output=viewshed \

by Vaclav Petras

Temporal Algebra

by Thomas Leppelt and Soeren Gebbert

Links to source code

Documentation now links to relevant parts of the source code.

by Luca Delucchi

Graphical index

by Vaclav Petras; Contribute better graphic designs!

New in 7.4


r.geomorphon - landform detection

by Jarek Jasiewicz and Tomek Stepinski

Parallelized solar radiation

r.sun - new parallelized version

by Stanislav Zubal and Michal Lacko

Compressed NULL files

reading and writing to disk is now faster for no-data values

by Markus Metz

Data catalog

g.gui.datacatalog - browse, manage, and reproject raster and vector maps

by Tereza Fiedlerova and Anna Petrasova

New in 7.6

Computational Region in Map Display

Map Display now shows computational region extent by default

by Martin Landa

Perceptually uniform color tables

grey, viridis, inferno, magma, plasma, and grass

viridis as default color table

by Vaclav Petras and Pierre Roudier

Virtual raster mosaics

r.buildvrt - creates virtual raster (VRT) mosaics from a list of input raster maps

by Markus Metz

Faster and higher compression

ZSTD - an improvement over ZLIB method, providing both faster and higher compression

by Markus Metz

Segment library all-in-memory mode

the segment library uses a new fast all-in-memory cache instead of a file-based cache if all data can be kept in memory

faster cost path, point cloud binning, stream and flow, i.segment,

by Markus Metz

Simplified raster algebra

r.mapcalc.simple - simplified syntax for compatibility with QGIS

r.mapcalc.simple expression="A + B + C"
                 a=one b=two c=three output=four

by Vaclav Petras

New Addons


i.superpixels.slic - image segmentation using SLIC superpixels

by Rashad Kanavath and Markus Metz

Tools for Sentinel Data

download, import, preprocessing, cloud detection, and masking of Sentinel 2 data

by Roberta Fagandini, Martin Landa, Moritz Lennert, and Roberto Marzocchi

Point clouds with PDAL - binning of points using PDAL for LAS reading

by Anika Bettge and Vaclav Petras

Point cloud transects

v.profile.points - transects of point clouds

by Vaclav Petras


Hydrologic and hydraulic model of surface water flow

by Laurent Courty


Twitter: vaclavpetras
GitHub: wenzeslaus
GitLab: vpetras

Meet me here: NCSU booth, poster session, next talks