Vaclav Petras

GIS-based fire spread modeling

Wildfire spread simulation result in a web mapping application
Fire spread simulation around Indian Hill (in the center) in Mammoth Cave National Park.
Fire spread simulation in Jockey's Ridge State Park.
Two scenarios of wildfire spread in Tangible Landscape
Two scenarios of wildfire spread in Tangible Landscape


  • Petras V. (2016). Wildfire modeling in GRASS GIS. [PDF from ResearchGate]
  • Petrasova, A., Harmon, B., Petras, V., & Mitasova, H. (2015). Wildfire Spread Simulation. In Tangible Modeling with Open Source GIS (pp. 105-113). Springer International Publishing.


GRASS GIS modules I used and contributed to: r.ros, r.spread and a module not included in the distribution